Scientists tell us that approximately half of a child’s intelligence is developed by the age of four: This means that your child will learn faster in the first four years than in the next forty.”
Toddler Tactics is bursting with practical strategies and hassle-free advice for making the toddler years the exhilarating experience they should be, including techniques for dealing with tantrums, mummy meltdowns, walking, talking, weaning and learning, as wellas:
• Communicating with your toddler
• Discipline and good manners
• Healthy eating habits
• Solutions for sound sleep
• Creative play ideas
• Toilet teaching
• Family dynamics (including introducing a new baby)
Toddler Tactics is a great resource for parents of wonderful one year olds, terrific twos and thrilling threes.
$24.95 inc. GST
$35.00 inc. GST