I know you must get thousands of emails just like mine but I feel I have to let you know what a difference your book “sleeping like a baby” has made to me and my gorgeous little 4 month old boy Indi and I.
Indi had a traumatic birth (vac assisted) and as a result was quite unsettled during the daytime in the early weeks of his life. Being the organised girl that I am, and having read all the wrong routine books (CLB – Gina Ford… hideous!) prior to our little darling’s arrival I was lost as to what to do when my baby and I did not even come close to fitting into these rigid schedules. After many days of no daytime sleep I finally caved and got a so called “sleep expert” out to the house. After $550 I was told that my interference (trying to comfort him) was only going to lead to sleep association issues and I need to learn to “back off” and let him cry. Indi has always been a brilliant night time sleeper but I was told that this too would change if I didn’t get him sleeping more during the day. After many days of tears (both his and mine)10 days ago I decided to ditch all the advice I’d received, buy your book and start over and it is the best thing I have ever done!
Thank you for giving me the courage to be the Mum I always thought I could be, follow my heart and not the advice of so called experts. Now that I’m just going with his natural flow he is more relaxed and sometimes will just take a longer nap because he is relaxed and happy at bed times. A natural flow is emerging in our day instead of me forcing him to do something he doesn’t want to do. The fact of the matter is our babies need us and this includes at sleep time. They are only small for such a short time so I have decided rather then “training” him to have the sleep patterns of an adult (which he clearly isn’t!) I will go with the flow of what he needs for now. Most of my anxiety around sleep has been due to trying to fit into what I have read and advice from “professionals” who really don’t know my baby at all!
I have recommended your book, website and blog to all Mums I know. Thank you for making it feel OK to unashamedly and unconditionally love my darling baby and tune into his needs rather than tune out.