For a while I’ve been really struggling with my two year old son. I have just had a baby girl and out of nowhere my placid boy was throwing tantrums, hitting, kicking, screaming at the top of his lungs, the works. I honestly feared some days that I was going to lose control and had to put him in his cot while I was shaking and walk away. I was yelling at him when I got desperate and the more I yelled the worse he became. I finally realised I needed some direction dealing with him and was excited to find toddler tactics after loving your sleeping like a baby. Your book has changed me as a parent, it taught me so much about my son and I deal with him in a peaceful way now, no yelling but lots of cuddles and patience. Jack understands words but has limited language and your book taught me how to communicate with him despite our language barrier. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! You have saved this mums sanity and made the relationship with my son a much more positive one.