Leah Smileski
I just wanted to write to you and say THANK YOU! Your books and regular magazine articles helped me to survive babyhood with both my now 4 year old and now 2 year old.
I went back to work full time when DS was 3 months and then when DD was 6 months. Thanks to you and your support in print I BF both successfully – DS to 10 months and then DD to 24 months! YOU made me confident YOU made me realise I needed to trust my instincts and YOU helped me implement gentle strategies into my life which meant that I could continue to work FULLTIME (in a high stress job too) and successfully breastfeed, often co-sleeping and developing strong attachment with both my kids.
Although I still have pangs of “mummy-guilt” every now and again, its not constant. I can trust my instincts.
So basically, a HUGE thank you. I love your stuff.